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When I now load the game this happens

When I press I want to debug the pop up disappears and I can interact like I've paused the game but when I go to click the speed up buttons and remove my mouse it stays on pause and the speed up buttons aren't highlighted but when I reload this happens again. Can somebody help me?

Wonderful game but a bit hard to understand at first.

How do you get to the islands past normal sea? I've unlocked astronomy but it's not working.

after a month i finally figured it out


Absolutely wonderful game, thank you! Although am getting proper stuck progression wise, but am sure I'll work it out.


Wow, such an incredibly well designed city builder! I am surprised it is able to work so well like it does in a web browser.

I got to bronze age with a population of nearly 3000, where the technological limitations started to creep up (Chromium), might be nice to release a native version if at all possible. The sort of simulation the game does just needs the computational resources.

The progression and mechanics feel incredibly good and intuitive, easy learning curve, the pixel graphics is pleasant to look at, though maybe could be refined here or there (notably the buildings for chocolate feel very out of place in the era they pop up, a few buildings like the horse mill could use some animation). But it works, and it is nice to see all those tiny people going about doing their stuff.

So far I also rarely got into a situation requiring much waiting, if approaching the game right, there is enough stuff to do to have the necessary research happen while doing it, if it isn't so, the city probably needs structural improvements (like, have enough clay tablets for the campus to work? have wheelbarrows accessible for production buildings and markets?)

The game has no sound, which may seem a bit strange at first, but then it ended up feeling nice that I can just listen to whatever I like while playing it.

Though I hit a snag now, not realizing the University needs Luxury research, and a lot of it.

Guess we are dying of chocolate poisoning now... For science! :D

Unless I missed something essential, this feels a fair bit out of place compared to how well I found the game's mechanic working otherwise. Chocolate seems to be the only item generating Luxury research with everything sub 200K already researched, and only the Manager consumes it (so not much useful for the population). This was one of the very few elements of the game I tried and seemed like just not being worth it - so ended up without pretty much any Luxury research until this point, when I am doing this just to meet that target.

(1 edit) (+1)

The endgame feels a bit disappointing unless I ended up missing something crucial.

It is quite a grind (well, it is an "idle" game, but after the very nice pace up till going for the University, hoped the pacing would stay) to go up to researching all techs with Electricity at the very end. That I couldn't figure out, it does work, I got electricity generation going all right, but the few production buildings using it, I couldn't even spot the benefit of supplying them with electricity.

If setting the end goal of researching all upgrades (which I presume would get Progress up to 100%), that seems technically impossible to achieve. A single library would hold 620K research of each fully upgraded. The biggest target seems to be the coffee field's last growth speed upgrade at some 39 billion Luxury research points. To hold that, nearly 63000 fully upgraded libraries would be necessary, that is, approximately an 500x500 grid filled up entirely with libraries (2x2 tiles each) only. The game field seems to be only ~150x150. With good city management the maximum storable research feels like would be somewhere around 50 million.

Really nice game, if it ran out of steam by this point, a bit sad. Hope it could be finished, even if maybe only tidying up the endgame to have a more satisfying ending (with an option to keep playing, but clear that the progression ended, with only those upgrade options left which are realistic to reach with the game's finished state).

Incredible city-building sim based on the Anno series with an impressive depth. Genuinely one of the most fun browser-based games I've ever come across. Looking forward to further development as this game has one of the most promising foundations within its genre;