Build power plants, keep heat production under control and convert it to power for a lot of money.

What to expect?

  • Joy and happiness when you blow up your reactor! :)
  • More challenging game play as time goes on!
  • Bigger and more complicated reactors consisting of nuclear cells, big heat distribution networks with generators and water cooling.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
AuthorGrest Games
TagsCity Builder, Idle
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksCommunity, Homepage, Homepage


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Amazing game and really fun. I wish there could be a full screen or a bigger screen. Thank you, best of luck to you

You are genuinely such a cool guy, Keep up the good work!

played before

how do the generators decide what to take from

their  are four tubes on the generator and that's how its in a plus sign

(1 edit)

Offline Progress? What does it mean by super ticks? I don't think it works.


Ah man, I remember playing this one 8 years ago, on Kongregate.

An oldie but a goodie.

@grestgames I suspect you'll be re-uploading Factory Idle as well? Quite slow to unfold, the both of them (especially Factory Idle going from kilo>mega), but they unfold beautifully.

Always wondered how far you could stretch the concept. Given the order of magnitude progression and scale limitations due to the static number of spots to place elements I bet you could have done a single-caveman-to-space-civilization kind of epic.

I am working on a new one which basically goes from few cabeman to future. (well not yet future, but maybe, it is possible to make it that far.)

Check it out at :) 

(1 edit)

I've been playing city idle for the last 3 days. Wonderful game so far! You work lightning quick, by the way. Just saw you add the artwork for the farms under the management research a few hours ago.

Not sure where to put this, but I do have a bug to report. With the most recent update when I scroll downward on the research and achievements pages the little icons become "unglued" from their locations. Here's two images for reference:


Thank you for reporting! This bug happened with yesterday-s release. Fixed now :) 


Can you explain how heat spreads?  It is not obvious.  For example it appears that more heat goes left vs right when you do long chain layouts.  And it almost appears that when one heat pipe has too much heat it automatically sends heat elsewhere, but I can't tell how much/what triggers.  Sometimes I'll get the heat build up to a certain point and then spread out properly, and other times it will just all go one route and then explode everything :/

upgrades should carry over across islands 

also the microtransactions are unneeded with how old this game is 

there is a bug where money resets at 100,000!

Interesting game with some nice tactical variety unusual to idles.

Main negative for me was that it doesn't explain how heat is distributed from solar/coal generators, so even with enough heat converters for all my solar panels I was still getting overheating because of the way heat is not spread optimally to make best use of converters.

What is the difference in selling heat instead of electricity?

Payout, efficiency, abundance, ect ect. 

great game


is their anything new int his version over the old kongregate version

it is exactly the same as


It is same game :) 

I am working on a new one though  - come and take a look.

Is it this one?

Looking forward to playing it

Yeah. Currently doing pre-alpha, come and take a look :) 
(Send me private message at Discord for key -

(2 edits)

(Edit: Haven't encountered the bug in several game sessions. So it seems to be a rather rare bug.)

BEWARE! There is no automatic saving!

Started playing, couldn't build due to some bug, refreshed and now all my progress is gone.

Interesting, there really should be. (but it is local to your computer).

Even though, making backups is still heavily recommended :) 

Maybe the bug that prevented me from building also caused the autosave failure. Not sure how to replicate though.